natural endowment

英 [ˈnætʃrəl ɪnˈdaʊmənt] 美 [ˈnætʃrəl ɪnˈdaʊmənt]

网络  天赋; 自然禀赋; 禀赋; 自然秉赋


  1. The World's Healthiest Foods are also whole foods complete with all their rich natural endowment of nutrients.
  2. Intellectual property right is not the natural endowment of a country, but being created by human being.
  3. He infers that the wills memory is not part of our innate natural endowment but constitutes a capacity that has to be bred into us.
  4. A natural endowment or gift;
  5. Results: Etiopathogenisis and pathogenesis are natural endowment weakness, being invaded by exogenous pathogen, blocking meridian, Qi and blood to be on bad terms;
  6. A good sense of rhythm is a natural endowment.
  7. The optimum industrial structure of a country or the area is decided by the resource natural endowment structure of this country or area.
  8. The Co-integration Analysing for Export Growing with Natural Endowment of Factors in Shandong Province
  9. The industrialization is often guided by a certain development pattern, the various countries adopt distinct industrialization path because of different background, natural endowment and other conditions.
  10. Three major areas of our country are the east, the middle part and the west. Enormous disparity exists no matter in resource natural endowment or in such aspects as scale of development of economic and speed.
  11. Adjustment of Agricultural Structure in Qinhuangdao City& An Empirical Analysis with the Method of Resource Natural Endowment Factor Coefficient
  12. People used to focus on natural endowment, technique and preference when studying the development of foreign trade in ChongQing, completely ignoring the effect of trade institution, while researches show that institution transition is one of the most important elements for the development of foreign trade.
  13. Through the analysis, we have drawn following conclusions: First, ownership, with there is not positive connection by developed degree of agriculture, the innovation of the system should be set up on the basis of local resource natural endowment.
  14. In Italy, Mid-small Enterprises Cluster was mainly driven by geographical environment, natural endowment and historical culture of the region;
  15. China is vast in territory. Very great difference exists in such aspects as resource natural endowment, economic base, engineering level in each area.
  16. In it, Dingling almost lost all her artistic individuality, including her unique natural endowment.
  17. Because of insufficient natural endowment caused by various reasons of parents, life is shorter;
  18. According to the principles of the theory and comparative advantage of "resource natural endowment", Green food is fit for the advantages of environment and resources in forestry zone.
  19. The behavior of the speech is a peculiar natural endowment of the mankind.
  20. With self-organization neutral net, the main strip mines are classed on their natural endowment superiority.
  21. Therefore natural endowment of ecology, environment and resources are the basic condition or foundation for the national economy and economic growth.
  22. Development modes and preponderance orientation are key problems need to be solved in the industrialization development process of regional economy, but regional economic development modes are controled by natural endowment of resources and industrial structure condition.
  23. Pay attention to natural endowment protection of ecology and environment& basic point of scientific development view and microeconomic regulation
  24. At present, for the industrial cluster theory sector of competitive advantage, they usually start from the cluster of rent, generally the natural endowment of resources to study the growth of rent clusters.
  25. Nowadays, their governments have built up perfect policy system to protect their agricultural product trade, which are based on the advantages of their natural endowment, economy and technology.
  26. Both of the results of principle component analysis and reducing rate calculation displays that the most important influence factors are economy and population scale, following is the water resource natural endowment.
  27. Waterfront area because of its natural endowment and superior ecological environment is not only the most city district, city construction, city planning area area choice, more load many vision of life.
  28. Under the background of opening economics, by the natural endowment advantage of labor cost and market volume, China experienced a sustaining expansion on the international trade, which significantly stimulated the economic growth.
  29. Before analyzing the structure and trends of agricultural water use and pointing out the water problems Shaanxi is facing, a comprehensive evaluation of the natural endowment of water resources in Shaanxi was made.
  30. Agricultural resources are fundamentally important in achieving socio-economic sustainable development for human beings, its natural endowment characteristics have a profound influence on the determination of regional development strategy.



  1. natural abilities or qualities

      Synonym:    endowmentgifttalent